Understanding The Mechanics of Crile Wood Needle Holder

Understanding The Mechanics of Crile Wood Needle Holder

Needle holders provide a supporting role in various surgical processes. Despite their small size, they are of high value. They are used by surgeons to hold needles during surgical procedures for a safe and secure operation.

Needle holders provide a supporting role in various surgical processes. Despite their small size, they are of high value. They are used by surgeons to hold needles during surgical procedures for a safe and secure operation. They have various types and are typically named after the name of scientists who discovered them. Such as the Cooley Needle Holder, Debakey Needle Holder, and Crile wood needle holder. Their function is almost the same however, there is a slight difference in their design and sizes. Our topic of discussion is Crile wood needle holder, like others it is also named after the name of two American scientists who discovered them simultaneously. One of them is Dr. George Washington Crile, a surgeon, and the other one is Dr. William Wood, a surgical instrument maker. In this blog, we will understand their mechanics by exploring their design and uses.


  • Material:
  1. Premium German steel which provides toughness and great resistance to corrosion.
  2. Tungsten carbide which is incorporated into jaws which makes it harder and more resistant to scratches.
  3. Grade stainless steel which prevents it from corrosion.
  • Tip: The tip is very short as compared to the length of shaft. It is of two forms; serrated or grooved. The serrated tip provides a strong grip while the grooved one provides a secure grip for thicker needles.
  • Shaft: Depending on the extent of its functionality the shaft is very long as compared to the tip. It is smooth and plain with a descending width towards the tip.
  • Handle: It consists of finger rings for better grip and sometimes a ratchet lock mechanism for a fully secure holding.
Next Instrument


They have no specific types but they are known by different needle holder instrument names depending upon their design and function such as,

  • Crile wood needle holder TC.

  • Crile wood needle holder serrated.

  • Crile wood needle holder Grooved.

  • Crile wood needle holder straight.

  • Crile wood needle holder curved.

  • Crile wood micro needle holder.


It holds the needle during sensitive procedures and prevents both the patient and the doctor from any kind of injury or infection before, after, or during the operation. It helps in suturing of wound by holding both the needle and the thread in place during the process. It also helps in closing or opening of wounds by providing precise placement of needles for removing or making stitches. Overall, it provides stability, protection, and maintenance to surgical procedures.


It is a basic tool for every surgical procedure in which needles are used. It depends upon the size of the needle and which type of Crile wood needle holder should be used. A few examples are:

  • General surgery: Medium-sized needles for basic suturing of cuts and minor injuries and also for opening stitches are used.
  • Neurosurgery: Very fine and sharp needles are used in neurosurgery and for holding them usually serrated and micro needle holders are used.
  • Orthopedic: Thick and tough needles are used in orthopedic and for holding them usually grooved needle holders are used.
  • Gynecology: Needle of almost every size is used in gynecological processes either for suturing or the transfer of gametes inside the body.


Due to their precise role and sensitive nature, their maintenance is difficult and is of utmost importance. Some basic techniques are applied for their cleansing and storage. For cleansing, they are regularly sterilized and for storage, a dry and sterile environment is maintained for them.


They are available in the market with different names and sizes. Each biomedical company provides Crile wood needle holders but of different quality and price. Some companies provide their services only in their country and some provide them nationwide.

Some of the famous companies for purchasing Crile wood needle holders are:

  • Artema Med.
  • gSource.
  • Laschal.


Crile wood needle holders ensure security and preservation during surgical operations. Without their support, a successful operation is impracticable. They have a unique design with differences in sizes and tip styles. Each of their forms is specific to a surgical role. Great care is required for their maintenance.

Please visit our website Gryphon for more information.
