Surgical Orthopedics vs. Non-surgical Orthopedics

Surgical Orthopedics vs. Non-surgical Orthopedics

Orthopedics is an advanced and crucial field of medicine. It deals with all the musculoskeletal-related problems. Due to its ample range, it is segregated into two categories: surgical and non-surgical. Here, we will evaluate them with a comparison.

Orthopedics is an advanced and crucial field of medicine. It deals with all the musculoskeletal-related problems. Due to its ample range, it is segregated into two categories: surgical and non-surgical. Here, we will evaluate them with a comparison.


  • Surgical orthopedics is a special field of surgery that deals with deformities related to the musculoskeletal system. It involves the treatment and diagnosis of muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and joints through specialized surgical instruments involving operations.

  • Non-surgical orthopedics is a non-surgical field that deals with the support and maintenance of the musculoskeletal system. It involves the treatment and diagnosis of pain, immobility, and instability in muscles and bones through medications and therapies.


Surgical Orthopedics

  • General Orthopedics

  • Podiatry

  • Spinal surgery

  • Trauma surgery

  • Sports Injury

  • Osseointegration

  • Pediatric orthopedics

  • Orthopedic oncology

  • Joint replacement

Non-surgical Orthopedics

  • Laser Therapy

  • Chiropractic Care

  • Physical therapy

  • Regenerative Medicine

  • Orthotics

  • Braces and Casting

  • Off-Loading

  • Plasma therapy

  • Steroid Injection



  • It involves the replacement of a missing or infected bone by using healthy bone from the body, known as bone grafting.

  • It deals with bone fractures by using open surgical treatments.

  • It deals with joint dislocations either through retractions or surgical operations.

  • It deals with joint diagnosis by using an arthroscope; a special instrument with a video camera at its tip for visualization.

  • It involves spinal fusion, which consists of joining one or more vertebrae to deal with spinal injuries or pain.

  • It involves joint replacement, in which a defaulted joint is removed and replaced by an artificial one.

  • It involves osseointegration, in which a metal implant is permanently inserted into the body to support bone growth.

  • It uses an osteotome to cut a portion of bone to reshape and realign it.


  • It deals with both acute and chronic pains by using medicines, physical therapies, and injections. It mainly focuses on back and joint pain.

  • It strengthens body muscles and eliminates weakness with the help of regenerative therapy. This therapy injects a special combination of biochemical agents that boosts the natural regenerative mechanisms of the body.

  • It uses stem cell therapy and plasma-rich injections to deal with sports injuries without using any surgical treatment.

  • It uses MRI, a radiographic study without using harmful radiation, for a clear diagnosis of musculoskeletal problems.

  • A spinal cord stimulator is used to relieve pain by slowly inducing a low level of electricity directly into the spine.

Pros and Cons

  • Surgical Orthopedics

  • More risky as it can result in scars, infections, and bleeding.

  • Takes more time, in hours and days.

  • More reliable as it is more exposed to surgeons.

  • More costly due to its instrumentation.

  • Non-surgical Orthopedics

  • Less risky as it maintains the natural anatomy of the body.

  • Takes less time—in minutes and hours.

  • Less reliable as it is less exposed to doctors.

  • Cheaper as compared to surgery.

  • More painful, as sometimes operations are done without giving anesthesia.

  • Mostly painless because it is applied from outside the body


Surgical Orthopedic

Surgical orthopedic instruments vary greatly in design. It may be simple, small, complex, large,

straight, pointed, curved, fine, serrated, long, short, etc. Examples:

  • Finger ring saw

  • Reposition forceps long

  • Bone rongeur curved

  • Osteotome curved

Non-surgical Orthopedics

It doesn’t vary much in design. They are usually developed by using a combination of information technology and biomedical sciences. They are usually large and light in weight as compared to surgical instruments. Examples:

  • Braces
  • Lasers
  • Stimulator


Surgical and non-surgical orthopedics both have their specialties. One should know completely about his or her problem before adopting a treatment from one of them. A consultation with the doctor is of top priority.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is non-surgical orthopedics better than surgical ones?
  • No, both have their pros and cons. It depends on the severity of the problem when choosing one of them.
  1. Can we become non-surgical orthopedicians?
  • Yes, of course, it is a specialized field. You can become a doctor or surgeon in this field.
  1. Are injections effective for back and joint pain treatment?
  • Yes, they are very effective, but one should choose a good-quality injection for better results, although it is costly.

Please visit our website Gryphon for more information.
