Diving into the Versatility of a Surgical Needle Holder

Diving into the Versatility of a Surgical Needle Holder

A successful operation in the medical field requires extreme caution. Numerous new instruments that offer support and maintenance have been developed for this purpose.

A successful operation in the medical field requires extreme caution. Numerous new instruments that offer support and maintenance have been developed for this purpose. The most common of them are retractors and needle holders A needle holder is a surgical instrument that is used during the operation for grasping needles for suturing. It is also known by other names such as needle forceps or needle drivers.


There are several types of needle holders available in the market these days. They are mostly named after the scientists who invented them. Here only 20 of them are mentioned and a few are discussed:

  1. Adson Needle Holder
  2. Baumgartner Needle Holder
  3. Blair Brown Needle Holder
  4. Castroviejo Needle Holder
  5. Collier Needle Holder
  6. Cooley Needle Holder
  7. Crile Wood Needle Holders
  8. Cruciate Needle Holder
  9. Debakey Needle Holder
  10. Derf Needle Holders
  11. Gillies Sheehan Needle Holder
  12. Halsey Needle Holder
  13. Jacobson Needle Holder
  14. Kalt Needle Holder
  15. Mayo Hegar Needle Holder
  16. Neivert Needle Holder
  17. Olsen Hegar Needle Holders
  18. PI Needle Holder
  19. Sarot Needle Holder
  20. Wangensteen Needle Holder
  • Crile Wood Needle Holders: It has serrated jaws and a ratchet mechanism for the lock. It has finely designed finger rings that help in holding the needles accurately. Tungsten is also used to increase their durability.
  • Mayo Hegar Needle Holder: Its jaws are smooth with serrations. Also, have a lock mechanism and finger rings for holding. It is user-friendly and the most commonly used needle holder in surgery.
  • Jacobson Needle Holder: Its jaws are fine and slender. And tips may be smooth or serrated. It is very light in weight with tungsten filling. Also has a lock mechanism.
  • Halsey Needle Holder: Its jaws are scissor-like and the tip is blunt and flat. Also, have a locking mechanism with finger ring handles.
  • Cooley Needle Holder: It is very delicate, straight, and smooth. It is made up of stainless steel with tungsten carbide filling.
  • Sarot Needle Holder: Its length is approximately 7 inches. It is lightweight and grooved. It has jaw-like blades.
  • PI Needle Holder: It is made up of stainless material. It has a unique design and is used for sensitive procedures.
  • Wangensteen Needle Holder: It is long and thin with serrations at the tip. Also, have fingernail handles.

Famous Companies Providing Needle Holders

There are thousands of biomedical companies in the world that manufacture needle holders of different sizes and designs. Most of them supply their products nationwide. Here we will discuss the most famous of them:

  • GerMed USA
  • Artema Med
  • New Med Instruments
  • GSource
  • Laschal


  • Material: They may be of stainless steel or tungsten carbide.
  • Shape: They may be curved, straight, delicate, left-headed, right-headed, or angled. Long or short.
  • Length: Their length may vary ranging from 4 to 12 inches.
  • Jaws: Jaws are usually grooved for a strong grip.

Importance in Different Fields

  1. Orthopedic Needle Holders: These include needle holders made of tough material to handle thick bony parts and tissues. They help in holding bones and in removing any extra muscles or tissues adhered to bones during the surgery.
  2. Dental Needle Holders: These are hard and tough with tight locks. They help in holding removed teeth or any other particles during oral surgery.
  3. Cardiovascular Needle Holders: For surgical procedures in this field, very fine and sharp forceps are required to ensure the sensitivity of blood vessels and cardiac tissues. Most commonly Mayo Hegar Needle Holder is used. They help in placing sutures at sensitive areas.
  4. Urological Needle Holders: These are delicate, short, and smooth. They are used to remove tissues from the site of infection or for holding things during the procedure.
  5. Gynecological Needle Holders: These include long and tough needle holders. They are used to hold the sensitive reproductive parts in place for sealing wounds or for grasping needles.


In a nutshell, needle holders are of great importance in the field of surgery and medicine. They provide a supportive role to surgical procedures. They are available in a wide range from simple to complex and from soft to hard. Many biomedical companies offer quality needle holders. They are almost used in every field of medicine.


  1. For what purpose is the Mayo Hegar Needle holder used? Like other needle holders, it is used for the same purpose and is the most commonly used needle holder.

  2. Are needle holders and forceps the same thing? Yes, both of these names are used alternatively.

  3. What is the function of a needle holder? To grasp or hold needles during any kind of surgical procedure.

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